We envision being part of communities that are vibrant with life and possibilities, where our bodies, knowledges and lands are liberated, and where we freely remember our dreams and our histories.


about us

The Knowledge Workshop (KW) is an ongoing workshop for (re)searching and gathering women’s stories, for creating and sharing feminist resources through engaging women and their struggles within their communities in Lebanon.

We at the KW, have merged all our past experiences in collective grassroots organizing and working within more institutionalized forms of activism, in activist writing and in scholarly research, and our experiences working in different artistic and media projects, in order to create this feminist workshop.

(Re)searching and gathering women’s stories, for creating and sharing feminist resources.

community engagement


Stories of Spatial Experiences

A video project that brings together the many stories told in the interviews conducted by the...

منّا وفينا: ممارسة التّاريخ الشفوي النسوي مع مجموعاتنا وعائلاتنا

في شهر تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2021، قمنا في ورشة المعارف بتنظيم ورشة عمل أسميناها “منا وفينا: ممارسة...

إعادة إطلاق مشروع الحكايا والتاريخ الشفوي

تسرّ ورشة المعارف إعادة إطلاق مشروع التاريخ الشفوي: مشروع الحكايا والتاريخ الشفوي (ما كان يُعرف سابقًا...